Sunday, January 09, 2005

Social Security Ideas.

Attempts at SS reform are a potential disaster for the Republicans. Our system simply isn't set up to deal with a problem like this, and perhaps no republic is. (The Bread and Circuses Disease).

Phillip Longman believes we should Give More Credit to Prolific Parents and I agree.

I think, however, there is much merit in combining the proposals a bit. My own is: Freeze guaranteed benefits at there current levels for people who do not contribute high school educated children to the system. Give full wage indexing (as an example) to parents who contribute 3 college educated children to the system. The details would be shaped by complex actuarial calculations as well as various social policy ideas. We could reward foreign adoption. We could make the credit for well educated children dependent upon legitimate birth.

I'd love to see actuarial analysis of things like this, but I lack the information to even start.


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